Return Policy:

If you want to return an item or items, please contact us via email at: or call (512) 828-1980. We will need your date of purchase, name and order number. You will receive return shipping instructions via email after the request is approved. Our return policy is:

  • No returns will be accepted after 30 days

  • Customers are responsible for paying all return shipping fees

  • All returned items must be in re-sellable condition

  • Returns must include the original order number or packing slip as well as date of purchase


Big White Star is not liable for items damaged by the shipping agent (the US Post Office or UPS). If a carton arrives damaged (e.g. the outer packaging is crushed, broken, or torn), the customer should refuse shipment. If upon opening the outer packaging an item is received damaged, the customer must report it immediately to the shipper. Packaging material must be retained for inspection to receive credit or replacement.