Dead Man’s Prayer

Many people who try living a spiritual life on a daily basis can enjoy the peace and grace that it provides. However, some can experience a “dark night of the soul”, which can be related to depression and even hopelessness. This period can last for day, weeks and even months.

Yes there can be demonic influence, but there are other factors such as chemistry, diet, life choices and it can be hereditary. Most importantly though our sins can be a major cause of depression, despair and sorrow. If we increase virtue, decrease sin, eat healthy, exercise (or be always active and not lazy, improve prayer life and attend church regularly (have a solid spiritual community life), we can combat depression in big ways.

Feed the soul for daily prayer and reading spiritually edifying things

If you're using substances and you should stop and that would include alcohol and drugs

Depression is often linked to hopelessness which is the spiritual malady related and lack of trust in God

Avoid exposure to media or a season

War with negative thoughts and implement the strategy of daily gratitude

Get involved in some form of charitable work on a regular basis

More we can find forms of ways of stepping outside of our self more we can combat depression

If you find yourself feeling dead is soul but there still is a glimmer of desire to not completely embrace the darkness, there is a prayer that can be a last and first resort. We call it “the dead man’s prayer”. Here’s how it works:

Lay on your back on the ground outside or floor in a private space where you won’t be disturbed.xxxxxxx Then breath slowly, stop all thoughts. Be calm for a few minutes. Then say: dear God. I am dead right now inside. I am dead to you, and to myself. Please help me. Please breath life back into me. I know im drowning in sin and separation from you. Then just keep going with the prayer. If you weep that is ok. When you are done. Lay there and let Gods grace touch you.a


Failure of Hedonism