Dead Man’s Prayer

Many people who living an active spiritual life can enjoy the peace and grace that it provides. However, some can experience a “dark night of the soul”. This can be a spiritual dry period related to spiritual fatigue, temptation as well as depression. This period can last for weeks and even months, and can lead to discouragement and even hopelessness, ending in a crippling crisis of faith. However, we should not despair and give up. Many of the spiritual powerhouses throughout history have gone through this, the most well know being Mother Teresa, and they have come through it with a faith life that was stronger than before.

If you find yourself experiencing this “dark night of the soul” and feel dead inside there is a prayer that I call “the dead man’s prayer”. Here’s how it works:

Lay on your back on the ground outside or on the floor inside in a private space where you won’t be disturbed. Close your eyes and try to block out the external world then breath slowly. Eliminate all thoughts and feelings. Be patient because this can take a few minutes as the stream of thoughts can be persistent. Be calm for a few minutes in this thoughtlessness. Then say:

“Dear God. I am dead inside right now. I am dead to you, and to myself. Please help me! Please breath life back into me! Please heal my thoughts and feelings! I feel alone in this deadness and this anxiety and fear has got me down. I know this feeling of separation from you is a lie for you are with me always. The Lord is my shepherd, and I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures: he leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul: he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me.”

After saying this prayer, continue by repeating, “God have mercy on me a sinner.” Remember the word “mercy” means, to heal. Then just keep going with the prayer. If you weep that is ok. When you are done lay there quietly and, if you sense God’s grace, let it be with you.

There are other things that we can proactively do when experiencing this dark period. Yes there can be demonic component here, but there are other factors such as biology/chemistry, diet, and life choices. Most importantly our sins can be a major cause of depression, despair and sorrow. If we increase virtue, decrease sin, eat healthy, exercise (or always be active and not lazy), improve prayer life and attend church regularly (have a solid spiritual community life), we can combat depression. The following can help:

  • Spiritual reading: Feed the soul by reading spiritually edifying things

  • Practice virtue: In daily life work on increasing virtue and decreasing sins in thought, feeling and action

  • Fasting: Try fasting, eating smaller portions, and limit indulging in unhealthy foods (diet effects moods)

  • Limit media: Decrease exposure to media, screen time and avoid soul harming content

  • Think straight: War with negative thoughts and implement habits of frequent gratitude

  • Charity: Get involved in some form of charitable work on a regular basis (stepping outside of self)

  • Be sober: Avoid using substances such as alcohol and drugs

  • Be active: Avoid laziness and always be occupied with activities (including exercise and going on walks)

  • Persevere: NEVER give up, but persevere with resolve until the very end (if you fall, get back up incessantly)

  • Faith, hope and love: In all things always rely on faith, hope and love


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